Embrace native Pond Plants!

Give wildlife a helping hand by adding these native species of pond plants to your wildlife or ornamental pond. Native plants can be incredibly beneficial to some of our most neglected wildlife. We stock an extensive range of pond and moisture-loving plants throughout the pond season (march – October).

Typha angustifolia

lesser bulrush

A medium variety of bulrush, that can still reach heights of up to 150cm. dark chocolate coloured seedheads give a true wild appearance. Great for casting shade over ponds but new plants must be secured against wind to prevent toppling over.

Alisma plantago aquaticum

Water plantain

Mature specimens of this plant will proliferate flower stems with small delicate white flowers. Alisma has long and broad green leaves.

Lychnis flos-cuculi

Ragged robin

Branched stems bear opposite lance shaped leaves, clusters of star shaped deep rose pink flowers. Each petal deeply cut into 4 narrow segments, appear in late spring and early summer, prefers moist soil rather than in water.

Ranunculus lingua ‘grandiflora’

Greater spearwort

Long thin leaves with an almost blue hue. A much taller variety than the lesser spearwort, as ‘grandiflora’ can get up to a metre tall. As the name may suggest, this variety does get large buttercup flowers.

Water crowsfoot

Water violet

An excellent oxygenator. Water crowsfoot has different leaf forms depending on whether it grow above or below the water surface. Can be grown in fast flowing or still waters. Can provide long swathes of green growth in fast flowing streams.

Ranunculus flammula

Lesser spearwort

Long thin leaves coming from branched stems, this plant can add a good density to marginal and bog areas. Small buttercup- like flowers are a great attraction to pollinators.

Hottonia palustris

Water violet

A good oxygenator for areas up to 80cm. like many oxygenators, Hottonia has two types of leave depending on whether the foliage is above or below the water level. Water violet produces some delicate violet-coloured flowers.

hydrocharis morsus-ranae


A delicate floating plant with small white flowers. Frogbit flowers later in the pond season (June to august). Frogbit spreads via stolon’s and will cover a large area after several years of growth.

Juncus effusus

Soft Rush

A marginal or bog plant that have dense clumps of light green grass like stems. Juncus effusus flowers later in the pond season (July to September) with nice grass flowers. Can be used in areas with waterfowl.

Geum Rivale

Water avens

Geums can be used around the pond, as well as in the pond, as long as they are not placed under water. Ideally geums are best kept in a position so the top of the soil is pround of the water. geums will flower throughout the warmer months, especially if the old flowers are deadheaded regularly.

myosotis scorpioides

Water forget-me-not

Formally known as ‘myosotis palustris’. A British staple pond plant that can be used as a marginal, bog or even damp ground plant. A profusion of small light blue flowers are the perfect food source for butterflies. As with other clump forming marginal plants, they also serve the purpose of providing protection for microfauna as well as larger invertebrates.

Lysimachia nummularia

Creeping jenny

A good option for blending areas inside and outside the pond. Golden jenny can be used in borders, pots, bog, and marginal areas. Due to it’s dense growth, it can be used as groundcover or raft plants.

Calla palustris

Bog arum

- Can be used as a marginal or bog plant. Calla’s can cope with being submerged a couple of centimetres under water. Calla’s produce dark green waxy leaves, and white spathe flowers, followed by red berries.

Equisetum hyemale

Dutch rush

Equisetum is part of an ancient group of plants and can become quite invasive. Best practised is to plant equisetum in a sturdy container to prevent it spreading. Equisetum is often prized for its ‘bamboo’ appearance.

Hippuris vulgaris

Mare’s tail

A great oxygenator for shallow water. Can be used to create dense clumps of green-blue growth which can be great for invertebrates to shelter. Hippuris is a great candidate for anaerobic areas of marsh or gravel beds.

Iris Pseudacorus

Yellow Flag Iris

Great native marginal for streams, bogs and marginal areas. Not the best plant to use in small ponds, as the eventual size can takover due to their vigourous growth. Iris' can be a great addition to pond with ducks and other water fowl, as they are tough enough not to get demolished. This Iris gets it's name from the fact that clumps of this iris act as a 'flag' to show that the water is not very deep, and a good place for crossing.



A succulent marginal or bog plant that has little blue flowers from spring to summer. A great plant for butterflies, bees, and other pollinators. The coverage from the leaves creates great protection for newts to lay eggs and for tadpoles to avoid predation.

Carex pendula

Pendulous sedge

Dense clumps of tall evergreen leaves with long seedheads. Can be used in bog, marginal or damp ground. Can seed itself freely.

Ceratophyllum demersum


Dark green dense growth. This cosmopolitan oxygenator can be used in shallow areas, all the way to depths of one metre. Great coverage for newts, tadpoles, and other invertebrates.


Purple loosestrife

A tall explosion of purple flower stalks that can be used as a marginal or bog plant. Lythrum is great for pollinators and can become a key architectural part of pond.

Eriophorum angustifolium

Cotton Grass

The seed heads of this grass will often look like cotton wool, hence it's common name. Can be used in bog or marginal areas. A great plant to use for smaller areas, as the maximum height is roughly 75cm. The growth is also evergreen, so provides some greenery during winter.

Nymphoides peltata

Fringed waterlily

Not a true water lily. A delicate little plant that has a profusion of yellow flowers on plantlets that float across the water surface. Although small, it can be vigorous in very shallow marshy ground.

mentha aquatica

Water Mint

A rigorous pond plant that can be used in damp, marginal or bog areas. Water mint will produce purple spherical flowers and the leaves have a peppermint smell once crushed. Be carful where you plant water mint, as it can take over!

Mentha pulegium

Pennyroyal mint

A dense form of mint that can be used in borders, bog, or marginal areas. Just like all types of mint, it’s growth can be vigorous and may need to be contained to prevent it taking over. Pennyroyal produces purple flowers which can be very beneficial to pollinators.

Subject to stock. Please contact the shop to confirm stock if your interested.